A young man who has improbably escaped death twice reveals his secret in a spine-tingling short story by New York Times bestselling author Joe Hill.

Martin Lorensen is a twenty-three-year-old counselor for disturbed teenagers. He’s bright, compassionate, attractive, and outgoing. He’s also—and this is the most interesting thing—not dead. Martin has improbably survived not one but two deadly disasters that claimed dozens of lives. The kid is riding one hell of a lucky streak. Two federal agents think there is something darker at play. Now that they’ve arranged to interview Martin, they want answers. Martin is ready to share everything he knows. One thing is for certain: when it comes to escaping death, luck doesn’t figure into it at all.

First publication: Amazon Original Stories, EBook
Date: 2024
Author(s): Joe Hill
Nomination(s): No
Movie: No

The books, magazines and/or collections in which these titles are also published:

The book/story is published with these cover(s):
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Information about edition(s):
• The story was originally planned to appear in New Demons a Joe R. Lansdale, Patrick McDonough, Keith Lansdale collaboration on Kickstarter, but the anthology ended up being canceled.

The story starts as follows:
First Interview
“This is Special Agent John Oates,” Duvall said to the kid. “And I’m Special Agent _”
“Let me guess, Special Agent Daryl Hall,” the kid cut in. “Do you take requests? I’ve always had a wicked soft spot for ‘You Make My Dreams Come True.”
Duvall shook his head. “That’s funny. I’ve never heard that one before.”
“No. That was my trademark deadpan sarcasm,” Duvall told him. “I’m Special Agent Anthony Duvall. Martin, I_”
“Duvall and Oates!” The kid cried and drummed his palms on the edge of the table.
“C’mon, that’s funny. It’s so close.”

Other information:

